Considering Reproductive Justice. Save the Dates!
PW Fall events: Book Study Sept 25 - Oct 12 and Work Shop Oct 22
The Presbyterian Women of San Jose Presbytery and Sunnyvale PW present:
What does it mean to be Pro-Choice and Christian?
FREE Sunday Afternoon Book Study,
Sept 25 – Oct 16, 1 – 2 pm
The book study was the most popular component of our last PW event.
This study will be led by Rev. Leah Akers-Bell, a 20-year veteran of Planned Parenthood. Schlesinger’s book was chosen because it is an easy read designed to provide a basic vocabulary that opens up discussion. A non-Amazon order link is here. Anyone just aching to talk to other Christian women about reproductive justice should plan on joining this important and timely book study, open to the entire Presbytery.
What it means to be Christian and Pro-Choice is entirely up to us!
Considering Reproductive Justice: Oct 22 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Keynote speaker Rev. Doctor Rebecca Todd Peters,
Professor of Religious Studies at Elon University and author of Trust Women