Clerks of Session

Information and help for Clerks of Session

Session Records Review dates
A perfect time to meet and learn from other clerks. Feedback from these review dates will inform the next Clerk of Session Training Day: Feb 8 2025.

  • October 19 2024, St. Andrew Pres., Aptos
  • October 26 2024, Westminster Pres., San Jose

Next Boundary Training dates for Elders, October 2024:

For Ruling Elders serving on Session

    • Wednesday, October 16th, 6-7pm
    • Wednesday, January 22nd (2025) 6-7pm

For Minister Members of the Presbytery
in-person training sessions at the Presbytery Office.

    • Tuesday, October 8th, 2-4pm
    • Wednesday, October 16th, 9-11am

Boundary Training for Elders in late Feb/Early March 2024 
Attendance report available on request.

Statistical Reporting – each January



“I can see the difference in churches with good Clerks.” Rev. Erica Rader

God loves you. So do we.