Tue, February 18, 2025

Privacy Policy

Privacy statement:

The Presbytery of San Jose maintains a database of contact information of members of the Presbytery, its employees, and members of its churches who volunteer with the Presbytery as commissioners, committee members, or in other capacities. The Presbytery also keeps notes and histories of volunteer involvement, and tracks fulfillment of requirements set forth by the Presbytery’s Standing Rules and the PC(USA)’s Book of Order. This information is collected for the purposes of conducting the business of the Presbytery of San Jose and is used only for that purpose.
Your contact information is shared only with others listed in this database, in the form of a password-protected online directory. Designating contact information as “Private” limits visibility only to yourself, to other members of a presbytery committee, work group or task force that you are also member of, and to presbytery staff (Stated Clerk, Treasurer, Executive Presbyter, Accountant, and Office Manager.) To request a copy of your own database profile that is otherwise for official use only, please contact Office Manager Collette Lynner at 408-279-0220.

God loves you. So do we.