Tue, January 21, 2025

Committee on Representation and Empowerment (CORE)

Chair: Rev. Annanda Barclay, At-Large

Definition of the Committee of Representation and Empowerment in the 2019 Standing Rules.


 “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”  (Galatians 3:28)

4.71     The purpose of the Committee on Representation and Empowerment is to raise awareness of the principles of participation, inclusiveness, and justice to facilitate fair and effective participation in the church.

4.72     This committee shall have at least six members and  may have up to twelve members.  It shall be selected from the rich diversity of members found within the churches and membership of the Presbytery.  The chairperson shall be a Ruling Elder or a Minister.  Total membership shall be in accordance with Book of Order G-3.0103

4.73     This committee shall

      1. fulfill, as its main function, the duties assigned to the Committee on Representation in the Book of Order G-3.0103;
      2. develop leadership among those historically excluded from leadership in the church;
      3. identify, name, and respond to the many forms of discrimination in church and society;
      4. educate the Presbytery and its congregations on issues of racial and gender justice, diversity, and empowerment.

News and Announcements:

God loves you. So do we.