Annual Clergy Reports
Clergy Report – Submit online at this link
Questions on the worksheet appear below, for reference. Here is a printable worksheet in Word Doc format: Clergy Report Presbytery San Jose v240909
Sept 9, 2024
Presbytery of San Jose thanks Ministers of Word and Sacrament serving a congregation for completing this report every year. There are three sections.
Contact Information is used by the Stated Clerk to update OGA records; it may also be shared with the office to update the presbytery database.
Terms of Call is used by Executive Presbyter to compile the Terms of Call report issued at September Presbytery meetings.
Study Leave and Personnel policies are used by Committee on Ministry, along with terms of call information, to ensure that minimum terms of call are met.
Continue on live form, download worksheet to print, or read more
* Indicates required question
- Email * (live form is here)
- Name *
- Home Address*
- Preferred Mailing Address*
- Home
- Church/Congregation
- Other:
- Home Phone*
- Congregation*
- Position*
- Church Phone*
- Spouse, Partner (Name of spouse or partner, if applicable.)
- Children (Name/s of your child/ren, if applicable)
- Employment type* (If you are employed less than full-time, please indicate work hours per week.)
Effective Salary, Pension Dues, and Reimbursable Allowances according to last approved Terms of Call, or last contract date.
Effective Salary Items
- Cash Salary*
- Housing Allowance* (or fair rental value of manse.)
- Utilities Allowance (Optional)
- Retirement Savings* (Employer-paid tax-deferred retirement savings, such as IRA or 403b)
- Social Security Reimbursement* (Social Security Reimbursement above 50% of SECA -Self-employed Contributions Act Tax-)
About non-accountable allowances: The Board of Pensions (and the IRS) require Non-Accountable Allowances be treated as ordinary income. For example, if an annual auto allowance of $3,600 is paid in direct payments of $300 per month without requiring documentation of actual mileage or expenses, it is considered income and subject to pension dues (and taxes). If auto expenses are reimbursed on the basis of vouchered mileage reports and are paid up to 56 cents per mile, those payments are not treated as income by either the IRS or the Board of Pensions. The same for other professional expense allowances. Note: The IRS does not allow reimbursement (as an employee business expense) for miles driven from one’s residence to their place of employment (commuter miles).
- Other non-accountable allowances* (List dollar amount)
- Description, non-accountable allowances
- Total Effective Salary*
Note about dues calculations
Note: In 2023, Medical Coverage is 29% of effective salary, subject to the minimum annual dues amount of $11,000 and the maximum annual dues amount of $33,500.
Pension is 8.5%*, Death and Disability is 1%*, Temp Disability is 0.5% of effective salary. More info and a dues calculator can be found at www.pensions.org.
(* The Pension Participation Basis is the greater of your effective salary or 25 percent of the congregational ministers’ median salary, but no more than $305,000.)
- Total Pension Dues* (Total Pension dues are 39% of total effective salary)
Church Reimbursable Allowances
- Auto Allowance*
- Study Allowance*
- Allowable Social Security Reimbursement* (Social Security Reimbursement UP TO 50% of SECA)
- Professional Expense Allowance*
- Other accountable allowances* (list dollar amount)
- Total, Church Reimbursable Allowances*
- Total, Effective Salarty+Pension+Allowances*
- Congregation provides housing assistance in the form of:*
- Shared Equity Loan
- Second Mortgage Loan
- a Manse
- Other:
Last section. Thank you for your work so far!
- Study Leave* How did you make use of your study leave in 2023? Did you roll over study leave or allowances into 2024?
- Personnel Committee* Does your Session have a functioning Personnel committee?
- Yes, No
- Written Policies* Does your Session have written Personnel Policies?
- Yes, No
- Date of Last Review* Date of your last annual review by Session or Personnel Committee
- MM / DD / YYYY
- Safe Church Training* When did you last take the presbytery’s mandated reporter and abuse/misconduct prevention training?
- Boundary Training* When did you last take the presbytery clergy boundaries training? (Month/Year)
- Service to larger church* At the time of our ordination and installation, we promised to “be active in government, serving in the governing bodies of the Church.” Please list your activities on behalf of the Presbytery, Synod and/or the General Assembly.
- Date of approval of Terms of Call* or, Last Contract Date
- MM / DD / YYYY
If you are submitting on behalf of someone else:
- Submitted by (Name)
- Submitted by-email (If submitting on another’s behalf)
Thank you!